Social Studies For JHS (NTC Exams Questions And Answers 2024) 4

Social Studies For JHS

  1. What is a key component of comprehensive sex education (CSE) for adolescents?
    A) Teaching only abstinence as the sole method of prevention
    B) Providing accurate information about puberty and reproductive anatomy
    C) Avoiding discussions on gender identity and sexual orientation
    D) Promoting risky behaviors to encourage experimentation
    Answer: B) Providing accurate information about puberty and reproductive anatomy

2. Which of the following characteristics defines youth-friendly reproductive health services?
A) Judgmental attitudes towards adolescents
B) Confidentiality and respect for adolescents’ privacy
C) High fees and limited availability
D) Lack of flexibility in scheduling appointments
Answer: B) Confidentiality and respect for adolescents’ privacy


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3. What is a crucial aspect of community engagement in promoting adolescent sexual health?
A) Avoiding discussions about sexuality within families and communities
B) Perpetuating stigma and taboos surrounding reproductive health topics
C) Open communication about sexuality and reproductive health
D) Excluding adolescents from decision-making processes
Answer: C) Open communication about sexuality and reproductive health

4. How can empowerment and advocacy contribute to improving adolescent sexual health?
A) By discouraging adolescents from advocating for their rights
B) By promoting peer pressure and risky behaviors
C) By empowering adolescents to advocate for their reproductive rights
D) By limiting access to comprehensive sex education
Answer: C) By empowering adolescents to advocate for their reproductive rights

5. What is a potential barrier to accessing youth-friendly reproductive health services?
A) Affordable fees and convenient location
B) Confidentiality and non-judgmental attitudes
C) Lack of transportation and restrictive policies
D) Open communication and supportive community environments
Answer: C) Lack of transportation and restrictive policies

6. Which of the following is NOT a challenge faced by adolescents in accessing reproductive health services?
A) Stigma and taboos surrounding sexuality
B) Limited access to comprehensive sex education
C) Availability of affordable and youth-friendly services
D) Gender inequality and discrimination
Answer: C) Availability of affordable and youth-friendly services

7. What is a key strategy for promoting responsible adolescent reproductive health behavior?
A) Providing inaccurate information about contraception
B) Promoting abstinence-only approaches
C) Engaging adolescents in peer education programs
D) Encouraging risky sexual behaviors
Answer: C) Engaging adolescents in peer education programs

8. What role can policy reform play in improving adolescent sexual health outcomes?
A) Maintaining restrictive laws and policies regarding abortion
B) Decriminalizing abortion to ensure access to safe and legal services
C) Limiting access to comprehensive sex education in schools
D) Restricting access to contraceptive methods for adolescents
Answer: B) Decriminalizing abortion to ensure access to safe and legal services

9. What is the primary goal of comprehensive sex education (CSE)?
A) Encouraging risky behaviors among adolescents
B) Providing accurate information about puberty and reproductive health
C) Promoting abstinence as the only option for preventing pregnancy
D) Avoiding discussions about sensitive topics such as contraception
Answer: B) Providing accurate information about puberty and reproductive health

10. How can community stakeholders contribute to promoting adolescent sexual health?
A) By perpetuating stigma and taboos surrounding reproductive health
B) By excluding adolescents from discussions about sexuality
C) By engaging in open communication and supporting comprehensive sex education
D) By limiting access to youth-friendly reproductive health services
Answer: C) By engaging in open communication and supporting comprehensive sex education

11. What does a sense of purpose provide individuals with?
a) Confusion and uncertainty
b) Clarity, motivation, and satisfaction
c) Disconnection and isolation
d) Apathy and indifference
Answer: b) Clarity, motivation, and satisfaction

12. Which of the following is not a component contributing to a sense of purpose?
a) Meaning and Direction
b) Personal Values and Beliefs
c) Financial Stability
d) Impact and Contribution
Answer: c) Financial Stability


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13. What aspect of purpose is associated with viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth?
a) Goal Orientation
b) Resilience and Meaning-Making
c) Connection and Community
d) Self-Actualization
Answer: b) Resilience and Meaning-Making

14. Which factor is not mentioned as a contributor to a sense of purpose?
a) Self-Doubt
b) Impact and Contribution
c) Connection and Community
d) Goal Orientation
Answer: a) Self-Doubt

15. What is linked to self-actualization and the fulfillment of intrinsic talents and abilities?
a) Financial Success
b) A sense of purpose
c) External Validation
d) Random Chance
Answer: b) A sense of purpose

16: Which of the following best describes a sense of purpose?
A) A temporary goal that one aims to achieve in a short period.
B) The intrinsic motivation that drives individuals to pursue meaningful goals and activities.
C) The external rewards one receives from accomplishing tasks.
D) A set routine one follows daily without question.
Answer 1: B) The intrinsic motivation that drives individuals to pursue meaningful goals and activities.

17: How does a sense of purpose aid in psychological well-being?
A) By reducing the necessity to socialize with others.
B) By increasing self-esteem and resilience.
C) By promoting extrinsic motivation.
D) By encouraging one to prioritize material wealth.
Answer 2: B) By increasing self-esteem and resilience.

18: What aspect of having a sense of purpose can affect one’s physical health?
A) It generally leads to a sedentary lifestyle.
B) It often correlates with the adoption of healthful lifestyles.
C) It has no impact on physical health whatsoever.
D) It tends to promote unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Answer 3: B) It often correlates with the adoption of healthful lifestyles.

19: A sense of purpose can influence decision making by:
A) Limiting the options one considers to those that only bring immediate pleasure.
B) Making decisions that align with long-term goals and values.
C) Avoiding any form of goal setting and spontaneous decision making.
D) Following the advice of others without personal consideration.
Answer 4: B) Making decisions that align with long-term goals and values.

20: How does a sense of purpose contribute to life satisfaction?
A) By ensuring that one avoids all challenging situations.
B) By guiding an individual to live in congruence with their purpose and achieving related goals.
C) By focusing solely on personal gain without regard to others.
D) By prompting individuals to continually change their goals and purposes.
Answer 5: B) By guiding an individual to live in congruence with their purpose and achieving related goals.


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BRIGHT FRANCIS ADOM is an ICT teacher at Ghana Education Service, Entrepreneur, Hard Working and I believe in giving out Accurate information to help others

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