Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
1. Which of the following concepts is closely associated with counseling?
a) Self actualization
b) Disorientation
c) Discordant relation
d) Empathy
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
2. Which of the following concepts is closely associated with counseling?
a) Self actualization
b) Disorientation
c) Discordant relation
d) Empathy
3. Which of the following is major reason for counseling people?
a) To offer advice to people
b) To enable people to take decisions for themselves
c) To help check waywardness among people
d) To help individuals appreciate the needs to live well with others
4. Which of the following skills is most needed for effective counseling?
a) Communication
b) Data gathering
c) Notes taking
d) Organizing
5. Which of these persons is likely to need counseling most?
a) Boakye, a banker who wants to take a personal business loan.
b) Tiwaa, a trader whose business has not been insured
c) Tina, an adolescent who is experiencing puberty early
d) James, who is undecided on which university course to select
6. Which of these is an important principle in counseling?
a) Self understanding
b) Facilitation
c) Confidentiality
d) Reality
7. Which of these is an important quality the counselor must have?
a) Firmness
b) Fairness
c) Warmth
d) Decisive
8. Which of the following statements best defines educational guidance?
a) A process of providing the individual with sufficient information to choose subjects to study
b) A process of helping individuals towards a better understanding of themselves and their potentials.
c) A process of recording the characteristics of pupils for counseling purposes.
d) A process of giving orientation and direction to the students
9. Which of the following problems can be solved by educational guidance?
a) Too many people seeking boarding school
b) Unemployment in the face of manpower shortages in some sectors
c) Parental neglect of their children
d) Poor relations between school and their community
10. Which of the following is a principle of educational guidance?
a) It permeate all subjects
b) It should be well monitored
c) It must be self-sustaining
d) It is for all pupils in the school
11. Which of the following characteristics is most suitable for the school guidance activity?
a) It should be infused into all school activities
b) It should spell out the roles of all involved in it.
c) It should be planned and structured
d) It should focus on ensuring discipline among pupils
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
12. Which of the following concepts can be associated with counseling?
a) Psychotherapy
b) Chemotherapy
c) Psychosomatic
d) Orientation
12. Which of the following is an objective of school guidance?
a) To ensure that students select the right subject
b) To anticipate and prevent crisis from arising in the lives of pupils.
c) To evaluate and monitor the progress of pupils
d) To offer counseling to wayward pupils
13. Which guidance service entails providing orientation for new
a) The orientation service
b) The follow up service
c) The information service
d) The appraisal service
14. Which guidance service entails the keeping of records of pupils?
a) The orientation service
b) The follow up service
c) The information service
d) The appraisal service
15. Sarah is a guidance officer in JHS who visits a number of SHS
once a year to find out the performance of pupils who left her school.
What services is she fulfilling by this activity?
a) The orientation service
b) The follow up service
c) The information service
d) The appraisal service
16. How many forms of acceptance do we have?
(b) 2
(d) 4
17. which of the following is a strategy used in counseling?
a) Consistency
b) The aligning
c) Diagnosing
d) Small talk
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
18. During which step in the counseling process does the counselor help the individual to understand the nature of his or her problem?
a) Closure
b) Exploration
c) Analysis
d) Facilitation
19. Which of the following is a recognized type of counseling?
a) Course counseling
b) Immediate counseling
c) Vocational counseling
d) Therapeutic counseling
20. Which of the following approaches to counseling is also known as the Rational Approach?
a) The psychoanalytic
b) Directive approach
c) Behavioral therapy approach
d) Eclectic approach
21. Which of the following approaches to counseling believes in dealing with the individual from his internal frame of reference?
a) Directive approach
b) Eclectic approach
c) Psychoanalytic
d) Humanistic
22. The counseling strategy whereby the counselor protects the individual to settle and develop trust in him\her is known as……………..
a) Establishing genuineness
b) Creating orientation
c) Exploration
d) Establishing rapport
23. Which of the following factors is necessary if the guidance program is to be effective in the School?
a) It must be integrated into the total school program
b) It must target at risk students to access them
c) It must involve tutors who have the fear of God
d) It must be comprehensive
24. Which of the following services must be made effective if the pupil is to be made to know himself well by guidance program?
a) Information service
b) Placement service
c) Appraisal service
d) Consultation service
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
25. Which of the following guidance service can be carried out individually or in a group?
a) The consultation service
b) The counseling service
c) Placement service
d) Appraisal service
26. For what reason may the guidance programs of two different schools vary?
a. The location of the schools vary
b. The skills of the coordinators vary
c. The needs of the pupils may vary
d. The objective sets may vary
26. Which of the following phrases is commonly used to describe Guidance?
a. A plan of action’
b. ‘A process of exposing pupils’
c. ‘A systematic and continuous process’
d. ‘A program of adjustment’
27. What is meant by the statement “guidance is development”?
a. It is only meant for people of the lower developmental stages of life
b. It helps people adjust to the problems of one stage before proceeding
c. It helps people to develop skills.
d. It is a long process.
28. Which of the following reasons best explains why guidance and counseling is not prominent in Ghanaian schools?
a) Many people believe its benefit is assumed rather than real.
b) There are no trained persons to handle it.
c) It is expensive to operate
d) It will steal pupils time away from studies
29. What service in guidance do we sometimes call ‘pupils inventory’?
a) Consultation service
b) Information service
c) Referral service
d) Appraisal service
30. Appraisal service is when we collect, an analyze and use a variety of objectives data for the purpose of better understanding of the students or clients. The proponent of this statement is
a) Denga(1986)
b) Makinde (1983)
c) Anagbogu (1971)
d) Kohlberg (1961)
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
31. In how many categories are appraisal methods grouped?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
32. Appraisal methods are usually grouped into two. Mention them?
a. Evaluation and measurement
b. Variable and Variable
c. Validity and evaluation
d. Test and non-test.
33. One example of non – test method are:
a. Autobiographies
b. Bibliographies
c. Research methods
d. Case study
34. In which of the following environment do the two methods of appraisal namely test and non-test methods operate well?
a. In the primary school
b. In the Junior high school
c. In the senior high school
d. In the tertiary institutions
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
35. Observation, Interviews, Autobiographies are examples of which of the following?
(a) Test methods in Appraisal service
(b) Non-test methods in Appraisal service
(c) Anecdotal services in guidance
(d) Evaluation methods in guidance
36. Teacher made test and some standardized tests which we can use in primary schools are examples of the methods we use in appraisal service. Which method is that?
(a) Evaluation method
(b) Remedial method
(c) Test method
(d) Non-test method
37. The life story of an individual written by him or herself is referred to as what?
(a) Anecdotal record
(b) Biography
(c) Autobiography
(d) Non-test method
38. Autobiography reveals not only facts about the individual but his or her what?
(a) Attitudes, emotions and motivations
(b) Aptitudes, character and sociability
(c)Likings, age and strengths
(d) Physical, intellectual and social standing
39. How many types of Autobiographies do we have?
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 1
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
40. What terms do we give to the types of Autobiographies?
(a) Structured and unstructured types
(b) Analyzed and unanalyzed types
(c)Written and unwritten types
(d) Measured and non-measured types
41. The type of Autobiography which the pupil is free to write about events that are important to him is referred to as what?
(a)The unstructured biography
(b)The unstructured autobiography
(c)The structured biography
(d)The structured autobiography
42. The type of autobiography that has lines in the form of the main topics and sub-topics derived from the main topic that helps the pupil to write about him/ herself is referred to as what?
(a)The unstructured autobiography
(b)The structured autobiography
(c)The historical autobiography
(d)The recorded autobiography
42. The method of obtaining information about or from an individual usually through oral interaction with the individual is referred to as …………..
(a)Oral information
43. One of the authors of guidance and counseling explains interview as an oral process. Which of the following authors said that?
(a)Doughan (1983)
(b)Erick Erickson (1960)
(c)Akinboye (1969)
(d)Essuman (1986)
44. Teacher-made test are called what?
(a) Achievement test
(b) Class test
(c) Examinations
(d) End of term examination
45. Teacher-made test are not standardized test because they do both ave measures of the following?
(a) Reliability and Validity
(b) Measurement tool
(c) Evaluation list
(d) Unrealistic and validity
46. A group of test which psychologists and counselors use in their work is called what?
(a) Physiological test
(b) Metamorphical test
(c)Psychological test
(d)Psycho-social test
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
47. A standardized test or inventory which we can use to find out the level of interest (like and dislike) a pupil has for a number of occupations as ……
(a) Psychological test
(b) Teacher-made test
(c) A study habit inventory
(d) Vocational interest inventory
48. The type of standardized psychological test which we can use to appraise the talent or potential endowment of pupils is referred to as..
(a) Vocational interest inventory
(b) Special aptitude test
(c) Study habit test
(d) Standardized psychological test
49. What does a cumulative contain?
(a) Appraisal character of pupils
(b) Appraisal data of pupils
(c) Appraisal achievement of pupils
(d) Appraisal contribution of pupils
50. A type of record which accumulates data on pupils throughout the period they are in school is referred to as………………
(a) Log book records
(b) Records book for pupils
(c) Cumulative records
(d) Inventory records
51. What is the term given to facts about things happening (events) or pupil?
(a) Historical facts
(b) Information
(c) News bulletin
(d) Broadcast services
52. In guidance there is a specific service which provides information to pupils or situations. What term is given to this service?
(a) The information service
(b) Counseling service
(c) Appraisal service
(d) Orientation service
53. What type of guidance service gathers facts on career, education, personnel and social issues to be used by pupils or students in planning their lives or making decisions?
(a) Consultative service
(b) Career service
(c) Information service
(d) Counseling service
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
54. The information service is found in three major areas in guidance. Mention them?
(a) Occupational, educational and personal social issues
(b) International, internal and external issues
(c) Broadcasting newspapers and magazines
(d) Broadcasting, television and videos
55. Who defined occupational information as “consisting of reliable and accurate facts about jobs which clients use in career planning, making wise decisions and choice”?
(a) Bolade (1992)
(b) Otaguindi (1961)
(c) Ekwe (1991)
(d) Obasungu (1972)
56. The type of information that comprises all valid and up-to-date reliable facts about jobs or occupation which can be used in career planning is termed as …… …
(a) Educational Information
(b) Personal, social issues information
(c) Occupational information
(d) Job-oriented information
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
57. What form do we give to information which is valid and reliable factson physique help education and emotion, interpersonal leisure, moral and spiritual need of individuals?
(a) Personal or social information
(b) Bibliographical or social information
(c) Autobiographical personal information
(d) Consultancy personal information
58. “Counseling is a process by which a trouble person is helped to feel and behave in a more personally satisfying manner through interaction with and uninvolved person (the counselor)”. Who made this statement?
(a) Ekwe (1991)
(b) Anagbogu (1991)
(c) Olatunde (1991)
(d) Osubagun (1991)
59. What term do we give to counseling between a counselor and a counselee?
(a) Group counseling
(b) Individual counseling
(c) Face-to-face counseling
(d) Social counseling
60. When counseling is between the counselor and two or more counselees, we label it as what?
(a) Individual counseling
(b) Social counseling
(c) Counseling section
(d) Group counseling
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
61. “By referral we mean the act of transferring a client or student to another practitioner or agency for specialized assistance”. Who made this statement
(a) Ekwe (1991)
(b) Obagundu (1991)
(c) Makinde (1983)
(d) Olawoyo (1983)
62. The search for information, advise or help from another person or a source, which can render such help is termed as………………….
(a) Referral
(b) Consultation
(c) Information
(d) Research
63. What term is given to a skill that involves the three process or stages: Receiving a message, processing a message and sending a message?
(a) Listening
(b) Communication
(c) Recipient
(d) Sending
65. Who asserted that listening may be defined as a skill which involves three processes or stages: Receiving a message, processing a message and sending a message?
(a) Ekwe (1991)
(b) Cormier and Cormier (1979)
(c) Olagbonu (1991)
(d) O’Connor (1982)
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024
66. The act of making something clearer or to shed more light on something is referred to as ……..
(a) Listening
(b) Communicating
(c) Telling
(d) Explanation
67. What term is given to the attitude of recognizing the value of people?
(a) Acceptance
(b) Explanation
(c) Communicating
(d) Telling
Supply the appropriate response to complete the following statements
- In Ghanaian schools, the document used in the appraisal of pupils is referred to as … Cumulative Record
- The degree of privacy in counseling which makes it impossible for others to hear what the counselor and the client discuss is known as ……..Confidentiality
- Another name for information service is……Distributive service
- A counseling situation in which fairly mature students provide counseling services in some selected problem areas to other students is called………Peer Counseling
- The guidance service in which we collect, analyze and use variety of objects data for the purpose of better understanding the client is known as ………Appraisal Services
Specify which of the following situations listed below guidance events are and which ones are counseling events
- A talk to JHS students on the Vocational and educational opportunities in the country for BECE graduates………GUIDANCE
- Martha seeing her house mistress to express concern about the attitude of her roommate towards her is……….COUNSELING
- Mr. Ankrah presents a lesson to his primary six classes on dangers of drug abuse….GUIDANCE
- A pupil confesses to you that he stole a book from the school which he wants to return because the event haunts him……………..COUNSELING
- When a teacher provides HIV/AIDS education to his JHS1 class…GUIDANCE
- A pupil went to see his teacher for discussion on his poor school performance ….COUNSELING
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Guidance And Counselling Past Question 2022, 2023, 2024